Van Grunsven and VanWonen win sales contract bid for Lindenhorst in Zeist
News item, Area and Property Development
Construction company Van Grunsven and VanWonen have been awarded the sale of Lindenhorst by the Central Government Real Estate Agency. At present, the location is being rented out and is used as a (closed) facility for youth rehabilitation. VanWonen will redevelop the location together with Van Grunsven. In the coming period, the details of the zoning plan will be determined in consultation with local residents, the municipality of Zeist and other stakeholders.
VanWonen director André ten Vergert: “VanWonen is very pleased with the acquisition of this location and looks forward to realising a great plan in cooperation with the municipality of Zeist and the local residents and stakeholders. Expansion towards the middle of the country is one of the spearheads of VanWonen’s growth strategy for the coming years.
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