Start of construction 54 apartments Park Nova in Deventer

News item, Area and Property Development

On Wednesday afternoon, alderman Liesbeth Grijsen ceremoniously gave the go-ahead for the construction of 54 apartments in Park Nova in Deventer. The project of area developer VanWonen is constructed by PHB Deventer. The building features a shared roof garden and a ground floor of almost 700 m2 for social functions and care services.

Park Nova will arise at the former office location of the Carinova care group, less than a 10-minute bicycle ride from the historic city centre of Deventer. In the popular Zandweerd neighbourhood, on the corner of Zwolseweg and Ceintuurbaan. A unique, multi-sided building with diverse housing for the young and old. Park Nova will be a valuable addition to the city of Deventer: 27 apartments, most of which are in the medium-priced rental segment, and 27 owner-occupied apartments in various price categories. The homes vary in size between 59 and 97 m2. All apartments have their own balcony or roof terrace.

Alderman Liesbeth Grijsen: “With the construction of this residential building, new homes are added to Deventer’s housing stock. This is much needed because of the current shortage. I am happy that with this project many people have found a wonderful sustainable home in our beautiful city of Deventer. I would like to wish all future residents much happiness in their new homes.”

Miranda Venekamp-Brandt, VanWonen Director of Marketing, Sales & Rental Operations, adds: “In the plan for Park Nova, we started involving the future residents at an early stage. Thanks to their input, this has resulted in a diverse and inclusive housing programme with room for personal preferences. These homes are for the young and old, for people living together and for those who are living alone. Inspired by the wish of residents to meet each other, we have included a beautiful green roof garden in the design. This will be smoke-free, of course, so the residents can fully enjoy these green and healthy surroundings.” 

Green and healthy living
Meeting others, green spaces, and concern for the climate are aspects that were part of the planning process from the very beginning. The plan was therefore developed in collaboration with local residents and other stakeholders. This has translated into, among other things, the communal roof garden and two electric shared cars from We Drive Solar that are available to all residents of the complex. The roof garden and the landscaping around the building establish a green connection with the park Het Nieuwe Plantsoen and with the roundabout with its large trees on Zwolseweg. In addition, a large number of nesting boxes for bats and swifts have been incorporated into the outer walls. 

“It’s great that we have started the construction of Park Nova. A wonderful and sustainable addition to our beautiful city. The future residents will love living here”, says Gerwin van de Zande, director of PHB.

Still some apartments available 
The handover of the apartments is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024. There are still some apartments available. If interested, a visit to the construction site is possible. More information:

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