De Meeuwen boosting biodiversity

Project update

De Meeuwen in Groningen is a project that stimulates biodiversity. The construction of this green and sustainable neighbourhood started in March 2021. In December 2021, the first homes were completed.

In her role of sales manager at VanWonen, Jasja Scholtens is the point of contact for the residents of De Meeuwen. “The plan breathes green and that was a conscious choice. We wanted to boost the biodiversity in this part of Groningen. In the middle of the neighbourhood, there will be an innovative bioswale (vegetated ditch for the collection, drainage and infiltration of stormwater). This creates space for water and nature and it also serves as an ideal playground for children. We have also created new nesting opportunities for bats and swallows in some of the façades of the houses. The result is a really nice balance between people, buildings and nature.”

Monumental trees

The new neighbourhood, characterised by its sustainability ambitions, is blossoming out at just a stone’s throw from Groningen’s historic city centre. Project developer Frida Hoekman is the green driving force behind this plan: “De Meeuwen enhances the biodiversity of this residential environment. This is achieved through a varied planting palette, in keeping with the biodiversity of the surroundings. Thirty-five new trees will be planted and the ‘monumental trees’ on the Europaweg road will be preserved. Some of the trees had to be temporarily relocated to the tree hotel, so that the work could take place. All in all, the perfect boost for biodiversity, making De Meeuwen ready for the future!”

De Meeuwen bomen verplanten from VanWonen Projecten on Vimeo.

From the first residents to planting trees

In December 2021, the first homes were completed - these were the 17 rental homes. The first residents of the owner-occupied homes are now moving in. The last homes are scheduled for completion in the summer of 2022. This coming autumn, the final work will be carried out, such as planting the last trees. This is how we continue on our path to the healthiest generations.

Interested in finding out more about De Meeuwen in Groningen?
Visit the website.

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