Stadshavens in Groningen

The first adopted environmental plan amendment for a development of this size in the Netherlands under the new Environment and Planning Act.

Near Groningen’s bustling city centre, the extensive Stadshavens area development is in progress. This development will transform a former industrial site into a lively residential area on the water. With 3,300 homes and 33,000 m² of non-residential space, including care facilities and social amenities. Sales manager Jasja Scholtens and project developers René Steman and Luuk Alferink take us through this unique plan.

René kicks off: “The project is being realised through a partnership between the municipality of Groningen, housing associations Lefier and Nijestee, and developers VanWonen, VolkerWessels Vastgoed and BPD. Together, they are spearheading the development of 2,400 homes and 30,000 m2 of amenities. This unique collaboration between different landowners ensures that over the next 15 years the area will be transformed into a vibrant neighbourhood, with remarkable high-density construction by Groningen standards. It’s also the first adopted environmental plan amendment for a development of this size in the Netherlands under the new Environment and Planning Act.” Jasja adds: “Stadshavens has everything it needs to become an attractive green residential area. We have chosen for high-rise buildings to provide ample space for a flourishing green living environment. The waterfront location and the connection to the Groningen city centre and Meerstad merit this transformation. With a varied housing supply, with 15% social housing, 10% mid-priced rental housing, and 75% rental and owner-occupied homes in other price categories."

Participation: the key to success

“An area development of this magnitude always has a long lead time. Several steps have already been taken in recent years,” says Luuk. René continues: “In 2018, the development strategy for Stadshavens was initiated, and in May 2022, the partnership agreement with the six landowners was signed. The draft environmental plan and its accompanying Environmental Impact Assessment (MER) were made available for public review in February 2023. The new Environment and Planning Act went into effect in January 2024, and it was quite a challenge to navigate the exact procedures for submitting everything and staying on top of the progress. We are therefore incredibly proud that on 15 May, the amendment to the environmental plan was officially adopted by a large majority of the Groningen city council.”
Participation is a mandatory part of the Environment and Planning Act. Jasja: We see in the market that parties are struggling with this part of the new Environment and Planning Act. At VanWonen, however, it’s a matter of course to involve the neighbourhood and future residents from the first strokes of the pen. It’s part of our way of working, we have been doing this for years. The only thing that has changed is that a participation plan has to be drawn up beforehand, with a participation report afterwards.”
Stakeholders and local residents have been involved in the participation process for Stadshavens. A sounding board has been active since 2020 and various activities have been organised over the years. These include a winter walk through the area, a musical and educational mini-festival, the publication of a Stadshavens newspaper, and an audio tour. The latter allows people to learn more about the history and plans of the area while walking through it. The aim is to create involvement and further optimise the development plan.

Interested in learning more about Stadshavens in Groningen?

The main focus is now on fully developing the first subplan. After the summer, the area marketing for the Western sub-area will start, and the first draft designs for this subplan on the VanWonen plot will be presented. Construction is expected to start in early 2026. This would allow the first residents to move into the new area for living and working, Stadshavens, in 2027. Interested in learning more about this project? Visit the website 

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