Promoting health on World Health Day

Creating homes and living environments for the healthiest generations starts with ourselves.
Happiness at work and vitality are important, now and in the future. This is why we create a safe and healthy working environment for all our colleagues, with plenty of room for development.

Encouraging healthy behaviour

In the week of World Health Day, VanWonen became a business partner of Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij (Health Funds for a Smoke-Free Netherlands), a collaboration between the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Cancer Society and the Dutch Lung Fund; initiators of the Smoke-Free Generation. We also kicked off this week with the VanWonen Vitality Package. There is no better moment to start with this than on World Health Day itself. A day that the World Health Organisation celebrates to draw attention to the importance of keeping people and the planet healthy. To encourage initiatives to create societies that are centred on well-being. “This healthy initiative for our employees starts today, with the launch of our VanWonen Vitality Package. A varied health programme that offers every employee the opportunity to work on this actively,” says Miranda Venekamp-Brandt, Director of Marketing, Sales & Rental Operations at VanWonen.

VanWonen Vitality Package

The package consists of three options; one of which is intensive exercise with the help of an experienced personal trainer. And we offer healthy meal boxes that suit everyone’s lifestyle. Another option is following a training course to improve the work-life balance, organised by a company that uses a scientifically proven successful approach to behaviour change - for more vitality, burnout prevention, and stress management. Miranda adds: “Our Great Place to Work survey revealed that our employees feel the need to work on a better work-life balance. We now offer the opportunity to actively work on this. Each employee has made a choice that best suits their own vitality ambitions. It is therefore great to see that the first exercise class will start today, literally in our own backyard, with an enthusiastic group of colleagues.”

Colleague Gerrita Schutte joins in the exercise class today and says: “I’m really happy that my employer is encouraging vitality. This way I can work on healthy habits, together with my colleagues.”

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