To keep the earth a liveable place for future generations, we need to limit carbon emissions as much as possible. We do this by building circular, bio-based and zero-energy. And by working with material passports for the reuse of building components. We develop without exhausting the earth. We encourage biodiversity and the protection of natural habitats in climate-adaptive neighbourhoods.

Carbon neutral and zero energy

Our ambition for new builds is: completely carbon neutral by 2040. This includes the construction and use of homes, but also the entire real estate chain. With this, we set higher energy-efficiency standards for ourselves than required by the market and the government. With smart technology and charging stations, we prevent grid congestion through shared electric vehicles. We are working with network providers to enable neighbourhood batteries and energy sharing. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we have established VanWonen reduction pathways. This way we define our CO2 goals for a development right from the start, ensuring they are met upon completion.


At the start of all our projects, we create a CO2 bank. This is an internal accounting of CO2 requirements, which we determine based on the project ambitions and monitor throughout the project lifecycle. The requirements stem from the opportunities within the project, or the necessity from our overall portfolio. This way, we can properly align the ambitions in the various projects with the business case. And free up CO2 space for more complex projects. We monitor on the basis of the BENG, MPG, Embodied Carbon and GWPa indicators.

Sustainable materials

Sustainable materials have a lower environmental impact. This is crucial, as the construction sector is a major contributor to environmental pollution. Not just because of the production and transportation of materials. The components and products used in new buildings also contribute to it. A clever design cuts down on material use. Separation of the supports and built-in components allows for the disassembly and reassembly of structures. This increases the lifespan of buildings and materials. It’s important that materials are renewable, bio-based, and store CO2 instead of emitting it. We’re using CO2 reduction pathways and an internal CO2 bank to measure the carbon footprint of materials.

Biodiverse & climate adaptive

We view green space as a connecting principle. Our green and climate-proof living environments provide a new habitat for people, plants and animals. By building in a nature-inclusive way, we contribute to the biodiversity in neighbourhoods. Green roofs, green façades and plants in outdoor areas provide water buffering, coolness, insulation against heat, and improve the air quality. We use the principle of 3­30­300. Every window offers a view of 3 trees, there is 30% natural shade, and green space within 300 metres from every home. Rainwater systems, adaptive awnings and water storage ensure comfortable homes and environments that are future-proof.