VanWonen starts developing for smoke-free generation

News item, Healthiest Generations

VanWonen is the first area developer that has become a business partner of Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij (GvRV, Health Funds for a Smoke-Free Netherlands), initiators of the Smoke-Free Generation. This means that, in all its projects and area developments, VanWonen, together with its customers and partners, will create smoke-free zones so that children can grow up, play and live in a healthy environment. In addition, VanWonen has become a smoke-free company for employees and visitors. With this partnership, VanWonen is taking the next step in its mission to ensure the healthiest generations.

From now on, in all its area developments, VanWonen will talk and work with customers and partners to create smoke-free residential environments. In concrete terms, this means that the company will create smoke-free zones in all homes, buildings, neighbourhoods, playgrounds and living environments that VanWonen develops. Furthermore, VanWonen is now officially a smoke-free company. For both employees and visitors, VanWonen has created a smoke-free environment in all four of its office locations: Zwolle, Groningen, Utrecht and Nijmegen. All customer events will also be smoke-free.

Miranda Venekamp-Brandt, VanWonen Director of Marketing, Sales & Rental Operations, is thrilled with this new partnership: ‘The goals of the Smoke-Free Generation align so well with our mission: creating homes and living environments for the healthiest generations. I am really proud that VanWonen delivers on its promises. And not in just one model project: no, from now on, we are committed to creating smoke-free zones in all VanWonen developments. So that children everywhere in the Netherlands can grow up smoke-free.’

Carla van Gils, chairman of GvRV and director of the Dutch Cancer Society adds: ‘I am so proud of VanWonen’s contribution. It’s wonderful that they are embracing the Smoke-Free Generation on a grand scale. With the support of organisations like this we can really make a difference.’

Healthiest generations: VanWonen mission
The VanWonen mission: creating homes and living environments for the healthiest generations. Areas that are good for people and the planet and in which municipalities and clients see their ambitions realized in a sustainable way. VanWonen is constantly working on expanding its partnerships to further its mission. In addition to GvRV, VanWonen is currently exploring a collaboration with HandicapNL, with the aim of assessing plans for new developments on healthy living and inclusiveness. Also, together with Jeannette Nijkamp, professor in Healthy Cities, VanWonen investigates the social and spatial interventions that people need in order to enjoy a healthy life - this research collaboration started in 2019. The Healthy City lectureship is a VanWonen initiative, in collaboration with the municipality of Groningen, the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen.

About Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij
Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij (Health Funds for a Smoke-Free Netherlands) is a collaboration between the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Cancer Society and the Dutch Lung Fund, and has as its aim that no one will suffer or die from the consequences of smoking anymore. Together with hundreds of parties in the Netherlands, we are working towards a Smoke-Free Generation. Our interventions will help all children born in and after 2017. We make sure they are protected from exposure to tobacco smoke and that they will not be tempted to start smoking. So that all children who reach adulthood in 2035 will never have smoked and won’t start with it. For more information, please visit:

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