First zero-energy shopping centre in the Netherlands completed

News item, Area and Property Development

Area developers AM and VanWonen have reached a unique milestone with the completion of the very first zero-energy shopping centre in the Netherlands. On Friday 10 November, the new sustainable shopping centre of Nijmegen-Noord will be officially opened. Mayor Hubert Bruls will perform the opening ceremony at the Oranje Marieplein square, the beating heart of the shopping centre. The opening of the shopping centre is an absolute highlight in the development of Hart van de Waalsprong.

The festive programme is aimed at all residents, locals, business owners, and others involved in Hart van de Waalsprong. Mayor Bruls expresses his delight for the entrepreneurs and residents of Nijmegen-Noord: “It was a long wait for the over 25,000 residents, but they now have their very own shopping centre. This can rightly be called a project with heart for the Waalsprong, as it brings not only the necessary amenities, but also liveliness and a meeting place to this district. I wish the business owners every success and all customers and visitors a great time.”

Grand opening
On Friday 10 November and Saturday 11 November, visitors of Hart van de Waalsprong can enjoy a festive programme with various activities and music and dance performances. For more information about the programme, please visit the website of Hart van de Waalsprong.

Zero-energy, climate-adaptive, and nature-inclusive
The new shopping heart of the Waalsprong district is zero-energy, climate-adaptive and nature-inclusive, and was designed by architectural firm De Zwarte Hond. The solar roof is managed by the local energy cooperative Buren van Bliek. Both residents and business owners can join the cooperative. The district heating network of Vattenfall is also used. 

Thijs Huis in het Veld, project director of Hart van de Waalsprong CV, is proud of the result: “Now that, in addition to the homes and the multi-storey car park in the first part of the plan, the bulk of the zero-energy shopping centre has also been completed, the sustainable qualities become very apparent. The energy required for the shopping centre will, as far as possible, be generated on site and sustainably. The solar roof on the Bliek multi-storey car park provides space for over 1,200 PV panels that provide both the shopping centre and the local residents with a direct supply of green electricity.”

Throughout Hart van de Waalsprong, there is a focus on nature inclusiveness. Nesting boxes for house sparrows, swifts and bats have been incorporated in the façades of many houses and apartments, as well as in the multi-storey car park. 

Furthermore, the green façades and blue roofs fully contribute to the sustainability of the plan. The green façades cool the outside air and improve the indoor climate. They are part of the urban ecosystem and urban biodiversity. Green façades also retain rainwater, which means that less rainwater is discharged to water treatment plants. They also provide sound insulation and have a positive effect on the health and well-being of people. Blue roofs capture extra rainwater during heavy rainfall. They provide cooling and water buffering. Rainwater is relatively clean water and can be reused for various purposes without the need to treat it. 

High-quality residential and shopping heart
The shopping centre, built by Dura Vermeer, is part of area development Hart van de Waalsprong. The shopping centre and multi-storey car park were purchased by Hans Geveling Vastgoed BV. A high-quality and attractive shopping centre has been realised with a balanced mix of local and national retail formats. About 25 shops, restaurants and other amenities will open their doors. With this, the largest part of the almost 12,000 m2 of retail and catering space in Hart van de Waalsprong is occupied. Major anchor tenants are Albert Heijn XL and ALDI, together with many special, local and sustainable businesses such as Strik Patisserie, farm shop Appeltje-Eitje, and Sound & Soul food bar. The next phases will be completed in 2024 and 2025. In those phases, anchors like Hema will be added.

Development combination Hart van de Waalsprong, a collaboration between area developers AM and VanWonen, is responsible for the overall project with a total of over 500 houses and apartments, a multi-storey car park with 300 parking spaces, and a full mix of shops for daily groceries, business services, personal care, and paramedical units. Visitors can also park on the parking deck of the Elft building (150 parking spaces for visitors). 

A few homes are still available
Purchase agreements have been concluded with Syntrus Achmea for the 89 rental apartments located above the shopping centre. Housing association Talis owns the 51 social rental apartments. There has been much interest from the market in the sale of the 81 owner-occupied apartments. A few houses and apartments are still available in Hart van de Waalsprong. Starting November, the new residents will receive the key to their owner-occupied or rental apartment. For more information, please visit

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